Flourishing Forever

supercharging your life with boundless energy and vitality

A Free Training with Christin Bummer

Learn how to APPly tried and true strategies in your own life, without moving to a "Blue Zone”

Tina says:

“This really takes the pressure off!”

Simplicity is the key to sustainability, especially for this non-cook. Now, most of my prep happens at the grocery store: I buy bagged salads, frozen edamame, veggies, and berry medley. My home prep today was slicing 2 tomatoes and making quinoa, plus beans 'n greens. Boom! I was prepped! P.S. I just microwave potatoes and sweet potatoes when I want them. This totally takes the pressure off!

Embrace the Blue Zones Secrets:

  • Experience your life's journey as your best self

  • Bounce out of bed every morning

  • Fit easily into everything in your closet

  • Embrace the gift of life with energy and vitality

  • Be so fit you could run a triathlon without training (but don't worry, you won't have to!)

  • Feel so vibrant that your doctor is asking YOU what to do!

"Get every good year that we can get out of this body of ours!" Dan Buettner

Catch the replay of the live training now

Available for a Limited Time Only

And Save Yourself Precious Time!

  • Everything you need to know from the newly released Netflix documentary

  • Simple, repeatable habits to get consistent results

  • Connect with our like-minded community

  • Learn the first steps to take

  • Jump forward with everlasting motivation

  • Ask me anything!

FREE 60 min training


  • Best Selling Author of Baby Got Back In Her Pants

  • Reversed hypertension, prevented diabetes, and kept excess weight off for 9 years - AFTER having my baby!

  • Helped thousands of people find their way to better health with a simpler plant-based lifestyle

this is what you can

expect from the Training:

  • Silence your sweet tooth
  • STOP the zombie walk to raid the kitchen
  • Recognize whether you may be using food for comfort
  • End the dieting cycle of restricting and binging
  • Find a healthier balance
  • Say goodbye to self-doubt
  • Say hello to sliding into your pants - quickly
  • Understand how to stick with your plan consistently

Free 90 minutes of inspirational training

  • Best Selling Author of Baby Got Back In Her Pants

  • Reversed hypertension, pre-diabetes, and kept excess weight off for 9 years - Even AFTER having a baby!

  • Has helped thousands of women find their way to better health with a simple and sustainable plant-based lifestyle

“I feel better already!”

I have all the tools. I know what to eat. But sometimes I go off track anyway. After our 45 minute call, I feel better already! The smallest actions make the biggest differences! Thank you! Thank you!! I feel better already!



Frequently Asked Questions.

What if I don't wanna live forever?

That's ok, I don't either. But I sure do want to enjoy the heck out of the years I do have here on this earth. Active with my family and friends. Doing meaningful work. Making a difference for others.

If you'd like to be completely engaged in life - bouncing out of bed in the morning, skipping out the door with a smile on your face (and no aching bones) then you deserve to tune in and understand how to THRIVE for as long as you're here!

What will I learn that I can’t see in the documentary myself?

We're going to focus on application - how to apply the secrets of the longest lived-people on earth into your day to day life. We're going to take the age-old wisdom and time-honored traditions of the Blue Zones and translate it into today's modern world. We'll talk about overcoming today's stresses, finding quiet in the chaos, and staying on track with your eating even when you're bombarded with temptations everywhere you look.

What if I have questions?

That's what I'm here for, silly goose! You'll be able to post questions in the Facebook group, or shoot me an email, and I'll be happy to steer you forward!

"Do we want to be dormant? Or do we want to serve humanity?"

~Blue Zones Documentary

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